Waste Collection Days

Council’s three-bin service provides a weekly collection for Landfill waste and Food & Garden organics, and a fortnightly collection for Recycling.

Waste Collection Calendar 2025

Bins should be placed out the night before collection day.

For any enquiries please call Council on 02 6889 9999.


Residents north of the railway have their bins collected on Monday morning.

Residents south of the railway have their bins collected on Wednesday morning.

Commercial customers in Dandaloo St north of the railway have their bins collected on Friday morning.


All residents in Trangie have their bins collected on Friday mornings.

Please note: McNamara Lane is Wednesday for Waste and Wednesday Week A for Recycling.


All residents in Tomingley have their bins collected on Friday mornings.

Recycling Bin Collection Days

Recycling is collected fortnightly on the same day as your normal garbage bin collection.

Collection weeks for your area are broken down into three zones. Please use the following map to identify which is your zone and collection week (A or B).

Recycling Map