Public Exhibition
Narromine Shire Council is welcoming submissions from residents on these documents.
All submissions must be in writing and addressed to the General Manager, submissions can be forwarded via the following methods:
- Mail to Narromine Shire Council, PO Box 115, Narromine, NSW 2821
- Fax to 02 6889 9998
- Email to
- Submit via the Have Your Say feedback form below
Alcohol Free Zones including Narromine Wetlands
Since the implementation of the Alcohol Free Zones in 2008, Narromine Shire Council and NSW Police have seen a reduction in the number of complaints relating to broken bottles and irresponsible behaviour.
Council resolved to re-establish Alcohol Free Zones in Narromine and Trangie using the 50km speed signs to determine the area within each town, for a period of 4 years effective 23 December 2024 to 22 December 2028 with the Narromine Wetlands to be included in the zone.
Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy
Council at its ordinary meeting held Wednesday 19 February 2025, endorsed the Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy to be placed on public exhibition for a 28 day period.
Council will consider all submissions received during the public exhibition period prior to the final adoption of the Policy.
Written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm the document will be available for public comment until 5.00 pm, Monday 31 March 2025.
Written submissions on this Policy can be addressed to:
General Manager
PO BOX 115
NARROMINE NSW 2821 or via email or submitted through the feedback form below.
The draft Policy is available for viewing below:
Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Policy -
Proposed Unused Roadway Lease - TRANGIE
Narromine Shire Council is intending to renew the lease of unused roadway adjoining Lots 74 and 79 DP 755126 in Trangie for a further five year period to the existing lessee.
Written submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be mailed to PO Box 115, Narromine, NSW, 2821 or emailed to and should be submitted to Council no later than 5pm on Monday, 31 March 2025.
Enquiries: Marion Truscott Telephone: 6889 9999
Jane Redden General Manager, Narromine Shire Council
Council resolved at its Ordinary Meeting held 26 June 2024, that upon transfer of Lot 48 DP 755089 for the sole purpose of allowing RFS to build a shed on the land, that the land be classified as operational land.
Public submissions on the proposal to classify this land as operational, can be made to the General Manager, PO Box 115, Narromine, NSW, 2821 or emailed to
Closing date for submissions is Wednesday, 19 March 2025.
Enquiries: Marion Truscott Telephone: 6889 9999
Narromine Shire Council Jane Redden General Manager