Food Organics and Garden Organics Collection Service
Narromine Shire Council as part of a three council collaboration introduced a Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) collection service in 2018, in an effort to turn food scraps and garden waste into valuable compost, instead of landfill.
Residents of some 24,000 homes and some businesses across Narromine Shire Council, Dubbo Regional Council and Mid-Western Regional Council have their green lid FOGO bin collected weekly. The organics are then transported to the Dubbo Regional Organics Processing Plant, located at the Whylandra Waste and Recycling Centre near Dubbo. Here the material is composted to Australian Standards by Council’s organic waste contractor JR Richards & Sons.
The compost is being used on council sporting fields and parks in the region and is also available for farms and home gardens. For sales enquiries contact JR Richards & Sons 1300 476 457.
This project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

Save money and resources by reducing your food waste. Food waste costs the Australian economy around $20B each year. Australian households are the biggest contributors to food waste above primary industry and manufacturing, with 1 in 5 grocery bags of food ending up in the bin.
Reduce food waste in your home by reconsidering how you buy, cook and store your food.
5 top tips to increase your food efficiency at home:
- Plan your meals each week.
- Check what you have in the pantry first and make a shopping list of things missing so you don't overbuy.
- Store your food correctly, air tight containers keep food fresher for longer.
- Keep older items to the front of the fridge or cupboard to be used up first.
- Love your leftovers. Use them up for an easy lunch or week night meal.