Community Participation Plan

Council adopted the 2024 Narromine Shire Council Community Engagement Strategy including the Community Participation Plan, at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday 10 December 2024.

‘Community engagement’ in a Local Government context describes all the ways in which the Council will inform, consult, involve, collaborate and empower the community. Community engagement is not a substitute for decision making. It is part of the democratic process which informs the community of Council’s decision making and vice versa. Our community includes ratepayers, residents, service providers, business owners, employees and visitors. 

Strategic Planning

The public has the opportunity to make submissions on strategic planning matters after they have been endorsed by Council for public exhibition. Minimum mandatory public exhibition requirements for strategic planning matters are set by the Act and the Regulation. For most plan-making functions, such as the draft local strategic planning statement, draft development control plans and draft contributions plans, the minimum public exhibition period is 28 days.

Statutory Planning

The notification and public exhibition provisions in the Community Engagement Strategy including Community Participation Plan will apply to all development applications lodged in relation to land that is located within the Narromine Shire LGA where Council is of the opinion that the enjoyment or use of the land may be affected by the development proposal. The Community Engagement Strategy including Community Participation Plan outlines what development types are subject to neighbour notification requirements and what applications are subject to the advertised development provisions of the CPP. Some minor development is of a scale and nature that does not require formal notification of neighbouring properties. Provided the proposal complies with all applicable development controls (LEP, DCP and other relevant policies) and is considered unlikely to detrimentally impact neighbouring properties, no formal notification period applies.

Community Engagement Strategy 2024