Narromine Shire Council has launched NSC Water, the online customer portal for properties and water customers who have had smart water devices installed.
The online portal allows customers to monitor their water usage in real time. Customers will be able to track their consumption and set alarms for over-usage or early detection of leaks.
Council’s General Manager, Mrs Jane Redden, outlined some of the benefits of this new technology for both Council and the community.
“The smart water devices and NSC Water customer portal will provide residents and ratepayers with valuable insights into how they use their water, allowing them to develop their own strategies to manage their consumption,” said Mrs Redden.
“Recently Council has been able to assist a handful of residents detect leaks and we are mindful that savings, big or small, count for our residents, businesses and the environment.”
The improved data will allow Council to monitor the condition of the town water supply networks in both Narromine and Trangie, added Mrs Redden.
“One of the great benefits of the online portal is that it provides Council water staff with enhanced data about the water network and services,” said Mrs Redden.
We are really hopeful the online portal will be very effective when helping customers with their water bill enquiries and monitoring their water usage.
“We receive phone calls from residents and ratepayers querying the consumption on their water bills. If the customer has a smart water device installed it is really easy for them to sign up to the online portal to monitor what is going on at their property.
In some cases, the customer may have had visitors and they are able to see that their usage has increased on specific days or they may have filled up their swimming pool. This extra water usage can then then be accounted for and the resident has a greater understanding about how they manage and use their water.”
Another great benefit is that all residents can use the portal, not just the property owner. Tenants with permission from their landlord are also able to sign up to the portal.
Smart meters have been implemented all over Australia by Councils and water authorities and have a high level of accuracy when recording. Feedback suggests residents and ratepayers in other Council areas have welcomed the customer portal and the ability to detect leaks beyond the meter at a much earlier stage, saving residents money.
Any property that has had a smart water device installed is now able to sign up to the portal via
For more information about smart water meters and signing up to the portal please visit
Media Contact: Narromine Shire Council, General Manager, Jane Redden T: 0407 438 422
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